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Andrés Gatica Gattamelati

Andrés Gatica Gattamelati

PhD in Philosophy – Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, 2021.

PhD in Philosophy – Pontificia Universidad Católica De Chile, 2021.

Licenciature in Philosophy – Pontificia Universidad Católica De Chile, 2015.

Areas of Competence

19th and 20th-Century German Philosophy: Phenomenology, Hermeneutics, Neokantianism, Lebensphilosophie.

Fondecyt Postdoctoral Project: “Sinn, Sinnlosigkeit and Widersinn: The Limits of Heidegger’s Transcendental Project” (German, English, Spanish).N°: 3230046. Sponsor Institution: Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico. PI: Dr. Andrés Gatica Gattamelati. Period: April 2023-April 2026.

Fondecyt Project: “Conversion, Vocation and Charisma: The Role of Christianity in the Philosophy of the Young Heidegger” (Spanish).Nº 1191346.Sponsor Institution: Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico. PI: Dr. Francisco de Lara L. Period: April 2019 – March 2023. Role: PhD Student.

Fondecyt Project: “Hermeneutics of the concrete. Interpretation and critique in the early philosophies of Heidegger, Marcuse and Adorno” (Spanish).Nº 116072.Sponsor Institution: Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico. PI: Dr. Francisco de Lara L. Period: April 2016 – February 2019. Role: PhD Student.

VRI Project: “Heidegger’s formal indication. Prolegomena to a critique of hermeneutic logic” (Spanish). Nº 37/2010-2011. Sponsor Institution: Vice-Rectory of Research of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. PI: Dr. Francisco de Lara L. Period: March 2010- March 2011. Role: Licenciature Student.

  • Gatica Gattamelati, Andrés (Ed.). Phenomenological Incursions on Intentional Analysis, Reduction, and Anxiety (Spanish).Buenos Aires: Editorial Teseo Press. ISBN: 9789563938241, 120 p. 2018. https://www.teseopress.com/incursiones/
  • Gatica Gattamelati, Andrés et al. (Eds.The Actuality of Phenomenology: Historicity, Genesis, and Alterity (Spanish). Buenos Aires: Editorial Teseo Press. ISBN: 9789563938494, 150 p. 2018. https://www.teseopress.com/actualidad/
  • Gatica Gattamelati, Andrés et al. (Eds). Philosophy in its Current Problems: Language, Reason and Play (Spanish). Buenos Aires: Editorial Teseo Press. ISBN: 9789563938494, 168 p. 2018. https://www.teseopress.com/filosofiayproblemas/ 
  • Gatica Gattamelati, Andrés. “Philosophy as Counter-Movement in the Begriffsbildung of Being and Time” (Spanish).Journal: Ideas y Valores, 71  ISSN: 0120-0062. 2021: 9-33. (WOS Q2).
  • Gatica Gattamelati, Andrés. “Constitution and Difference: Towards an Ontology of the Constitutive and Self-evident Dimension of Subjectivity in Husserl’s philosophy” (Spanish) Journal: Pensamiento Político, Vol. 7 ISSN: 0719-0670, 2016: 59-76.
  • Gatica Gattamelati, Andrés. Review “Between Phenomenology and Hermeneutics.Franco Volpi in Memoriam, ed. Francisco de Lara López” (Spanish). Journal: ALEA. Vol. 9, ISSN: 1576-4494-9, 2011: 115-122.
  • Gatica Gattamelati, Andrés.  Review “Between Phenomenology and Hermeneutics.Franco Volpi in Memoriam, ed. Francisco de Lara López” (Spanish).Journal: APORIA. Intentional Journal of Philosophical Research, 2, ISSN: 0718-9788, 2011: 94-100.
  • Gatica Gattamelati, Andrés.“Heidegger and Husserl: A Living Relationship” (Spanish) In: Incursiones Fenomenológicas sobre el Análisis Intencional, la Reducción y la Angustia. Gatica Gattamelati, A. (Comp.) Buenos Aires: Teseo Press. ISBN: 9789563938241. 2018.
  • Gatica Gattamelati, Andrés. “The Epic of the Sun: The Crisis of Philosophy and the Philosophy of the Crisis” (Spanish). In: La filosofía en sus problemas actuales: lenguaje, razón y juego.  Gatica, A. et al. (Comps.) Buenos Aires: Teseo Press. ISBN: 9789563938494. 2018.TRANSLATIONS
  • Barbaras, Renaud. “The existence of the world” (French-Spanish).Original title: L’existence du monde. Colloquium held by the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile during the visit of Renaud Barbaras. https://filosofia.uc.cl/dr-renauld-barbaras-visita-por-segunda-filosofia-uc-para-hablar-sobre-la-existencia-del-mundo/ 
  • Heidegger, Martin. “Original version of What is Metaphysics?(German-Spanish).Original title: Urfassung von Was ist Metaphysik? Anuario Heidegger 2, Herder (To be published in 2022).
  • Ramos dos Reis, Robson. “The Existential Concept of Science” (Portuguese-Spanish).Original title: “O conceito existencial da ciência”. In Rodríguez, Ramón (Comp.) Guía Comares de Heidegger. Granada: Comares. ISBN: 9788490456569. 2018, 121-142.
  • Jensen, Peter-Erwin. “Marcuse and Heidegger: Biographical Notes from the Epistolary” (German-Spanish). Original title: “Marcuse und Heidegger: Biographische Notizen aus dem Briefwechsel”. Enrahonar, Vol. 61. ISSN: 0211-402X.21-38 (WOS)